During the Open Mic Next In Health Series – Digital Pharma Playbook hosted by DayOne, experts from the startup and pharma industries discussed the operating model for startup-pharma partnerships.
Scheduled for 2023, the Digital Pharma Playbook by DayOne will be a navigation tool for digital health startups to partner with pharma and big tech companies. The publication will address topics like the decision-makers landscape, scouting process, value creation, the role of tech companies, and financing of pilot projects, among others.
"The digital ecosystem is evolving, but the approach to collaboration between startups and pharma is still unstructured or unclear - global demands and expectations in healthcare change quickly. Thus, we need the Digitial Pharma Playbook to accelerate valuable partnerships in digital health," said Dr. Jubin Shah, one of the authors of the Playbook.
Dr. Shah listed assumptions underlying the Playbook:
- The digital health ecosystem is growing toward maturity, and also partnerships should become more structured and plannable;
- Pharma companies are further developing the in-house capacity to scout based on their internal needs, while startups can offer game-changing outlooks;
- There is a lack of understanding of sustainable business models in the digital health ecosystem, including the co-creation and co-development of innovations;
- There is a difference in understanding partnering models between pharma and digital health startups. A common ground needs to be developed;
- Series A, MVP stage startups are the most interesting stages for pharma, while also early stage startups could contribute to innovation development;
- Collaborations are the key to the future of digital health success.