The healthcare sector is gearing up for a significant digital transformation. Think of robots performing independent surgeries, software competing with human radiologists, and smart pills transmitting vital function data from within the body to an app. Cisco is aiding in accelerating the digitalization of healthcare by breaking down digital barriers and supporting healthcare professionals in embracing appropriate technological innovations.
Cisco boasts years of experience within the healthcare sector, both domestically and internationally, with many healthcare institutions relying on our technological foundation. This foundation continually frees up more time to optimize the collaboration between IT and healthcare.
Human Perspective Globally, numerous initiatives have been launched in recent years to address these changes. Unfortunately, many of these initiatives often encounter obstacles. For instance, they might heavily focus on technology rather than considering the perspective of the individuals who must interact with it. Or they might overlook the need for a unified IT architecture, leading to reinventing the wheel each time. Moreover, these initiatives tend to be fragmented, hindering efficiency and effectiveness.
That's why we collaborate with healthcare institutions on projects aimed at enhancing the productivity of healthcare workers and improving the quality of care. In this collaboration, the perspective of healthcare workers and their processes takes precedence, ensuring that digital transformation aligns optimally with their needs. Additionally, we are working together to develop a common IT architecture that can be widely used across the healthcare sector.
Interested in discovering how we can assist you? We're eager to engage in dialogue. In the meantime, we'll share our knowledge and developments through the ICT&health platform, both offline and online, dedicated to the healthcare industry.