- Innovation partners
- Editorial board
- Events
- News
- I see no legitimate rationale for delaying the digital transformation in healthcare
- Innovation Adoption: How to Traverse The Valleys of Death
- CardioWatch Revolutionizes Cardiac Arrest Detection
- EIT Awards 2024. Two European startups are revolutionizing the treatment of cardiovascular diseases
- EIT Summit 2024. What are the trigger points that drive or inhibit innovation?
- Smartwatches Saving Lives Inside and Outside the Hospital
- Wireless Monitoring of Vital Signs in Premature Infants at Máxima MC
- How cyberpsychology helps prevent human errors leading to data leaks
- CES 2024: Meet the exciting innovations for health and well-being
- eHealth success lies at the intersection of technology, people, and organization
- Seamless data exchange will unlock the long-awaited benefits of digitalization
- Five areas of digitalization that healthcare providers should focus on in 2024
- Virtual You: How close are we to creating a digital twin?
- Good research first requires a search for good equipment
- Interactive ai in healthcare: ai-assistants from gpt-store
- Six technology premieres we are looking forward to in 2024
- 2023 in review: ai is everywhere at once, but still not in healthcare
- Ai smarter than humans? Only 5 years left, according to Kurzweil
- Limburg Welcomes World's Premier Healthcare Transformation Summit
- IT onboarding in healthcare facilities – how to do it right
- Harnessing the power of ai: gpt-4 and gpt-4v in healthcare
- New, Tech-Related Social Determinants Of Health
- AI Model Predicts 8 Out Of 10 Covid-19 Infections Without Tests
- EU Virtual Hackathon To Tackle Covid-19
- Welcome to a world of digital-first, physical next healthcare
- The coronavirus: a test case for excellent remote healthcare
- Rethinking Workforce Skills To Become Ready For Future
- To Make Healthcare Sustainable We Have To Get Out Of The Silos
- Harvard Researchers Developed New Technique For 3d Printed Organs
- High time for a change in Digital Therapeutics valuation
- Innovative Healthcare System Protects Patients’ Data And Delivers Knowledge
- Eu E-Health Adoption Study: 96% Of Doctors Use Electronic Health Record
- ‘Move in a direction which really makes the difference’
- Nurse creates a bridge between patient and technology
- “Medicine In The Digital Age”. Free Online Course By Rice University
- Are Big Data And Artificial Intelligence A Game-Changer For Health?
- One Step Closer To The European Electronic Health Record
- FocusCura launches iOS eHealth solutions for home care
- Digital transformations: how to convince people to embrace change
- Gen ai in healthcare. Implement now or rather wait?
- Dayone health 4.0 accelerator announced 2023 finalists
- Bambi Belt's CE Marking: Paving the Way for Enhanced Neonatal Care in Europe
- Speaking By Thinking. How Ai And Bmi Help Paralyzed Patients
- Interconnected data will trigger a wave of shifts in healthcare
- A new global initiative to build trusted digital-first health systems
- Meet Dave, the first AI oncology mentor. Is it the future of medicine?
- Revolutionizing Patient Care at Moffitt Cancer Center with Smart Rooms
- Ai helps hackers steal data. Healthcare providers must get ready now
- Healthcare 5.0: radical change that we have to go through
- Dedalus to Deliver Solution for Dutch National Terminology Services
- Hospitals Granted Permission to Pilot International Patient Summary (IPS) Implementation
- Phishing is still the top threat to healthcare. How not to be fooled?
- New Data Platform Aims to Boost Digital Collaboration
- Digital minimalism: save your time and take care of mental health
- 3D Catheterization Prevents Unnecessary Surgeries
- Deep Brain Stimulation Offers Hope for Stroke Patients' Quality of Life Improvement
- WHO Releases Findings from 'Digital Health in Europe' Survey
- In 2023, there are still no robots in dental offices. Why?
- Quantum computing: the race for medical advances has begun
- Ensuring a Smooth Patient Journey through Telemonitoring: The MEDAL-C Study
- Medical education should see chatgpt as a chance, not a threat
- Transformation of Weight Management Care through Digital Platforms
- Measuring Blood Oxygen Levels with Smartphone Camera and AI
- Top 7 most promising technologies of 2023 healthcare is waiting for
- Research Reveals Brain Manifestations of Psychiatric Disorders
- Can doctors trust chatgpt? No, but they use it anyway
- Generative AI transforms biology from science to engineering
- In the future, we will be shocked by today's workflows in healthcare
- Collaboration between Hartwig and CKB makes both parties stronger
- Want to avoid the digital gap in healthcare? Let innovations grow organically!
- Are breakthrough technologies the holy grail of longevity?
- A smartphone with a clip for 80 cents measures blood pressure
- Scale-covered, pangolin-inspired robot to work inside the body
- Saudi arabia brings world's first virtual hospital to life
- Elon Musk expects first human implantation of Neuralink later this year
- 6 AI tools to help doctors and nurses: from ChatGPT to Google docs
- Google's new ai describes x-rays and answers patient questions
- Ai can – not could – fix an ailing healthcare system. Here is how
- Mindset: the last barrier to advances driven by data sharing
- Bambi Medical Secures CE Mark Approval for Revolutionary ExG System
- Dutch OLVG hospital starts using AI in the ICU
- When it's time to replace the health IT system and how to do it
- Healing Wounds Faster with Electrical Stimulation
- Groundbreaking Research: EAR-EEG Headphones Predict Alzheimer's
- Chatgpt is more empathetic than the doctors. Fantastic!
- Health Interventions in Retail: Where Health Meets Retail
- Large-scale DNA analysis forms the basis for improved cancer treatment
- Pop-up store in Roermond explores the role of retail in healthcare innovation
- Have cell phones improved survival rates in life-threatening emergencies?
- Healthware Group Proposes Digital Therapeutics to Enhance Depression Care Pathways in Italy
- Doctors as data curators: care depends on information flow
- Chatgpt has the features of a cutting-edge innovation: it amazes and scares.
- Maastricht home base for international ICT&health care innovation conference in 2024
- Who will take care of an ageing society? Robots
- E-health assessment: a scattered and challenging landscape
- Germany's digital radar: a blueprint for national digital maturity strategies?
- 5 new technologies & trends in healthcare worth following in 2023
- What makes the world's top hospitals the best?
- EAU reveals new data hub to address evidence gaps in urological care
- Germany unveils a new strategy to "bring healthcare into the 21st century"
- How large language models (llms) like chatgpt will impact medicine
- Sweden, Digital North Star, Leads The Eu Toward Connected Health
- E-health in Portugal and its five most popular services
- Technology does not yet sufficiently facilitate the care process
- A quest to restore emotional care in medicine
- Dayone's roadmap for startups looking to collaborate with pharma
- Our favorite innovations for health and well-being at CES 2023
- Dutch health-tech startup lapsi health raises usd 3.7m
- Ehds is ambitious but achievable, complex but manageable
- Will AI help to make use of data imprisoned in an EHR
- Digital health trends 2023, according to artificial intelligence
- New light-and-sound therapy could help patients with alzheimer’s
- Every health facility needs a CMIO. Here is why
- Data in healthcare: can we trust something we don’t know?
- Ransomware attack in australia. Data of over 10 million patients leaked
- How to capture the value of the metaverse before it's too late
- Four types of robots already successfully used in healthcare
- Who's florence 2.0 will tell you now how to stay healthy
- Register for nvidia healthcare & life sciences developer summit 2022
- Ehds: instead of plans, we need to demonstrate the benefits
- The roadmap to successful patient-driven e-health co-creation
- Smart healthcare and innovation: what's next in digital health?
- UX/UI. How to improve doctors 'and nurses' experience with EHR?
- Technology Helps Deliver Care In A Way That We Never Imagined
- Does Prevention Justify Total Control? Data And Ethics During Health Emergencies
- What's at the stake in the european health data space?
- 5 technologies to improve quality of care and patient outcomes
- Going back to the hippocratic oath in the era of med tech
- Primary care physicians need… 26.7 hours a day to do their work
- This is how apple is bringing health straight to your smartphone
- What should doctors do with patient-generated health data?
- Digital health at a glance in 29 European countries
- What disrupts or facilitates the deployment of digital health?
- Wearables can motivate and mislead. Results of a 5-month test
- How can you make better use of the data in the EHR?
- We are embedding artificial intelligence across all r&d activities
- What Can Clinics Do To Improve The Waiting Time Experience For Patients?
- Healthcare Was Not Built In A Day. Decentralizing It Through Digitalization Will Take Time
- What Will Metaverse Offer Physicians And Patients In The Future?
- What Exactly Does The EU Commission Do For Healthcare?
- Healthcare is no longer just a place you visit. It's a service that visits you
- Digital Therapies Can Help Patients If Only Health Systems Understand Their Value
- 7 Reasons Why Healthcare Providers Should Opt For Cloud Services
- Estonia's roadmap to telehealth: identify needs, test and update
- Creating added value for health customers with data analyses
- Mobile Health Tools Will Not Scale If Other Adoption Factors Are Neglected
- The European Health Data Space Proposal (Ehds) Explained
- Data-based innovation in healthcare needs a systematic change approach
- 5 Factors For The Successful Implementation Of Telemedicine
- A Bias Called The "Availability Heuristic" Can Determine The Level Of Innovation In A Healthcare Facility
- Who’s Plan To Deliver Better Data For Better Decision Making
- Is strategically critical healthcare moving toward data protectionism?
- 11 tips from CEO's how to manage a healthcare facility
- A Framework For Moving From Ideas And Pilots To Adoption At Scale
- AI In Healthcare Is A Fact, Not Science-Fiction. And We Need It
- First Principles Thinking For Digital Health Lawmaking
- 4 Tips For Doctors Who See Patients Already Diagnosed By Dr Google
- Digital health priorities during the French presidency of the EU council
- 6 basic rules to increase digital skills among healthcare professionals
- Digital health is exciting, but it also has life-threatening bugs
- Health data in the future. The end of solidarity?
- DayOne: Switzerland’s leading digital health hub to fuel innovation
- Findings From Covid-19 For Healthcare Stakeholders To Remember
- Israel’s Formula For Combating The Pandemic: Digitalization
- The 16 Most Exciting Health And Wellness Innovations Of 2021
- Most Puzzling Questions About Digital Health
- Health tech for silver population: Simplicity and benefits at the forefront
- Will A New Biomarker Technology Help Detecting Mental Diseases?
- Data-driven health care will soon collide with unimaginable societal challenges
- Is the model of reimbursable health apps in Germany a failure?
- How to create a culture of innovation in a healthcare organization at no high costs
- Wearables are like telescopes exploring individual and population health
- The Next Generation of Digital Therapeutics
- What Are The Challenges Of Technology Adoption In Latin America?
- What Does It Take To Inspire Public Trust In Health Data?
- 70% Of Health CEOs Expect Hospitals To Evolve Into “Healthcare Hubs”
- How To Design Electronic Medical Records That Doctors Love
- The Impact Of AI On The Future Of Radiology – 4 Scenarios
- Technology introduces the ‘healthcare anywhere’ approach
- Patients In A Rapidly Changing Healthcare Technology Environment
- Digital Health In Social Media. Between Lobbyists And Experts
- How Does Venture Or Startup Contribute To Healthcare?
- Healthcare under attack. How to stop life-threatening cybercrimes?
- After A Year And A Half Boom In Digital Health, Troubles Return
- Report Shows Expansion Of Dtx, Apps, Digital Devices And Wearables
- Can Technology Still Save India’s Collapsing Healthcare System?
- Turning short-term acceleration into long-term sustainable growth
- The State Of Digital Transformation In Latin American Health Systems
- Find out six principles for AI in healthcare developed by WHO
- Benefits of wearables: do we see what we want to see?
- Gaia-x. What’s behind the project everyone is talking about?
- Patients Are Often “Included” To Improve Corporate Image
- Digitally-Enabled Primary Care: A Case For Evolution, Not Revolution
- Dr Google Gets A Medical Degree To End Misdiagnoses
- Physicians In The Lead Of Med-Tech Innovation Design
- How Big Data Accelerate Research On Blood Cancers
- We Can’t Afford To Continue Delivering Care In The Analogue Way
- How To Increase The Value Of Remote Patient Monitoring
- Nowhere is digital health more needed than in Africa
- Top 8 Challenges of Developing Telehealth Solutions
- World’s biggest pharma companies go digital
- 7 Rules That Distinguish Top Digital Health Leaders
- Travelling During The Pandemic: Europe Plans Digital Certificates
- Does Digitization Make Us Happy (And Healthier)?
- What Should Be Done To Make Patients Love Telecare?
- Scenarios For Healthcare And Life Sciences After Covid-19
- Consumer Power Drives Changes In The Healthcare Industry
- The COVID-19 pandemic time machine. What have we learned?
- Three Ways To Improve Teamwork And Patient Safety In Hospitals
- What Should Health App Developers Consider To Gain A Competitive Edge?
- Goodbye stethoscope! Hello new generation medical devices
- White Paper: Rethinking Digital Therapeutics' Strategies
- FDA Action Plan for AI in medical software
- 8 Radical Innovations For Healthcare Presented at Ces 2021
- 23 Steps Amazon, Apple And Google Have Taken In Healthcare In 2020
- Can technology help prevent preventable deaths?
- Digital Society That Has Failed To Build Digital Healthcare
- Let's Make Robots! They Will Save Us
- Endless Benefits Vs. Huge Risks: AI And Health At Workplace
- Trapped By Popularity Bias And Irrelevant Priorities
- Only Users With Digital Skills Make Technology Accurate
- “We need data to be timely, more granular, and of higher quality”
- Overcoming Hurdles Towards Health Data Transformation
- “Digital European Health Systems Will Be Also More Resilient”
- People As Co-Architects Of Their Health In Data-Driven Economies
- How To Plan, Budget And Implement Digital Health Interventions
- How To Make A Career Shift And Become A Digital Doctor
- Wearables Enable Prevention On A Mass Scale
- This Startup Wants To Tackle An Ignored Problem Of Elderly Care
- Top News: Hospital Of The Future And Leading Digital Health Startups
- Healthcare Must Make Better Use Of Well-Being Data
- Tech Update: A "Link" To The Brain and a Well-Being Smart Band
- What Will Children's Hospitals Look Like In The Future?
- What Healthcare Do Patients Want, When Doctor's Offices Disappear?
- Transforming Healthcare By Combining Education, Business And Research
- Europe Braces For The Game Of Data-Driven Economies
- Recent Most Impressive Scientific Inventions
- An Attractive Niche In Digital Health Can Be A Deadly Business Trap
- The Power Of Big Tech Companies And How They Shape The World
- The German Health System Is Undergoing A Digital Shift
- Technology Adoption In Healthcare: It’s More Than The Technical Features
- Understanding The Transformation
- 3 Latest Scientific Discoveries Worth Knowing
- Articles That Will Keep You Up To Date With Advances In Digital Health
- We're On A Steep Learning Curve That Includes Everyone
- How To Be Faster Than Coronavirus? Donate Data For Research
- Digital Health And Pandemics: What Covid-19 Reveals About The Challenges
- Post-Covid-19 Questions: Where Is The Balance Of Virtual Vs. In-Person?
- Covid-19 News: Open Data, Tracking and Wearables
- Implementing Telecare: Technical And Communication Guidelines
- Why it is time to look beyond flattening the curve - and start getting ahead of it
- World After Lockdown: How We Got Used To Digital Technologies
- Data & Strategy: Taiwan's Successful Response To Covid-19
- Covid-19: Digital Health Literacy Is A Key To Saving Time, Costs And Lives
- Telemedicine Benefits During Covid-19 Pandemic. But Is It Here To Stay?
- Eu Strategy For Artificial Intelligence And Data. What's Inside?
- The aggregation of innovations and data will lead to a radical change
- How Well Is The Chinese Health System Coping With Covid-19?
- The Ability Of Technology To Get Healthcare Repaired
- The Future Of Healthcare. Will Medicine Become Data Science?
- Redesigning Of The Clinical Processes Enhances Digitalization
- Digital Health Needs To Be Embedded In The Conception Of The Health System
- Denise Silber Joins The International ICT&health Editorial Board
- Medical record stored underneath the patient’s skin
- 8 Health & Well-Being Gadgets For Consumers Showed At Ces 2020
- What The Radiologist Need To Know About Artificial Intelligence
- 8 Necessary Steps Towards Digital Transformation
- Who still follows the Hippocratic Oath?
- Digital Health 2020: Ai, Ar, Vr, Telemedicine Enter Everyday Life
- Digital Health 2020: Time For Innovations To Mature
- Digital Tools Can Empower People To Enjoy A Healthy Lifestyle - report
- How To Verify Health Apps So Doctors Could Prescribe Them
- Apple Unveiled Three New Health Studies
- AI Will Help Surgeons To Orchestrate The Work And Data
- Facebook Has Just Launched New Healthcare Features
- Precision Medicine. When Machines Become Smarter Than Doctors
- Study Finds That Apps Encouraging Physical Activity Are Effective
- This Robot Knows How To Communicate To Support Patients With Chronic Illness
- Novartis & Microsoft Collaborate On AI, Amazon Offers Health Services
- How To Ensure Human Touch In Digital Healthcare Driven By Ai Solutions?
- New Study Confirms Virtual Reality is A Painkiller
- Robots In Healthcare: Creepy Dolls, Therapists Or Social Companions?
- Unregulated M-health Threatens the Positive Influence On Healthcare
- How Does Finland Use Health And Social Data For The Public Benefit?
- Model Predicts Cognitive Decline Due To Alzheimer’s, Up To Two Years Out
- Invitation: Get insight into the cutting-edge medicine of the future
- It Is Not Enough To Just Have A Good Idea Or A Nice Implementation In One Place
- Co-Creation In Healthcare. How A User-Centred Innovation Approach Creates Better Results
- Digital Health Literacy Is An Essential Capacity To Master In Everyday Life
- A Robotic Bear “Huggable” Entertains And Helps Hospitalized Children
- A Report Like A World Atlas Of Digitalization 2019
- Women In Digital Health: From Community To Sustainable Tech Industry
- Strengthening Digital Health Literacy In Society
- Culture, UX/UI, education, accessibility. Digitalization’s biggest barriers
- The Path to Digital Business Transformation in Healthcare
- First App That Can Hear Ear Infections In Children
- A digital future! But what kind of future exactly?
- Cyber-medicine & humans. 7 new concerns about digital healthcare
- Using Ai To Predict Breast Cancer And Personalize Care
- Who Releases First Guideline On Digital Health Interventions
- A Drone Delivers Organ For Successful Kidney Transplant
- Where Did EHR Go Wrong? And what Is The Cost Of Digital Health?
- Symptom checkers will see you now. Startups race to create a perfect health concierge
- Researchers Developed Toilet Seat That Detects Congestive Heart Failure
- New Eu Study: Are Wellbeing & Lifestyle Mobile Apps Safe For The Patients?
- Four Actions to Help Medical CIOs Build a Healthier Future
- WHO: Public Consultation On The Draft Global Strategy On Digital Health
- Support To Enabling The Digital Transformation Of Health And Care
- “The risks of basing digital health strategy on industry hype and alluring prototypes”
- New Developed Pill Releases Insulin In Stomach
- Most U.S. Patients Not Using Online Medical Portals
- “For Patients, Wearables Are Fantastic Tools To Manage Health And Well-Being”
- Health Care 2019: Spotlight On Digital Health Innovations
- Components of digitalization: evidence, knowledge and technology
- Digital Health’s New Mission Is To Ensure Healthcare For All
- Becoming A Self-Doctor In The Era Of Wearables
- Healthcare Providers: The Route to Digital Transformation Success
- Cross-Border ePrescription In The Eu Is There. What Next?
- Mapping The Brain At High Resolution
- How Can A “Worst-Case Scenario" Exercise Support The Digitization Projects?
- Ingestible Capsule Provides Closed-Loop Monitoring And Treatment
- Who Will Design The Healthcare Of The Future?
- Open Access Drug Development Tools Feature In New IMI Call For Proposals
- Discussion: Big Data In Precision Health
- Evidence Standards Framework For Digital Health Technologies
- Who Launched An Initative To Accelerate Digital Health Adoption
- Objectivity With No Empathy: How Symptom Checkers Can Help Patients?
- 100% ePrescriptions In Finland And 0% In France. The Digital Gaps In Europe
- Clinical Trial Launches To Develop Breath Test For Multiple Cancers
- Wearable Patch Monitors Blood Pressure Deep Inside Body
- Digital Disruption Is Not Something Post-Apocalyptic
- Aim High, Fail Fast. 9 Tips On How To Be Innovative In Healthcare
- 17 Must-Read Articles & Stories
- Best Quotes Of 2018 On The Digital Transformation In Healthcare
- 8 Healthcare & Digital Health Predictions For 2019
- Integrated Care: Adoption, Case Studies, Barriers And Guidelines
- Internet Therapy Apps Reduce Depression Symptoms
- Is That Ok When A Robot Becomes A Patient’s Friend? (Video)
- AI Rivals Radiologists In Screening X-Rays For Certain Diseases
- AI, Data & Ethics: How To Maintain Trust In Technology?
- Technological change in healthcare is not simply about adoption
- Active Cooperation To Improve Data Exchange Hospitals
- Get Digitalized Or Marginalized
- Clinical Progress Towards Bionic Eye
- Six Building Blocks For Sustainable Digital Health
- Next Country Joins The 1 Million Genomes Initiative
- “Health At A Glance 2018” By Oecd Is Out Now
- An AI Solution That Could Make Evidence-Based Medicine Available For Every Doctor
- 9 Funny Cartoons Comment On The Challenges For Digital Health
- 2018 Future Health Index Report On Telehealth Released
- Women Drive Digital Transformation In Healthcare
- Lack Of Trust Slows Down The Uptake Of Health Apps In Europe
- Digital Solutions Influence Business Models Of Healthcare Insurers
- Machine-Learning System Could Aid Critical Decisions In Sepsis Care
- Women Innovators Prize 2019 Opens For Applications
- Let’s Make Digital Health Great Again!
- Medica 2018: Digitalisation Of Healthcare Offers Huge Potential
- What’s New? 4 Notable Tech Innovations And Start-Up Ideas
- Must-Watch: The Digital Divide In Health(Care)
- Digital Technologies As A Way To Cope With Population Challenges
- We Need To Accelerate Adoption Of Digital Health Services In Europe
- 400.000 Volunteers Have Joined Apple And Stanford Watch Heart Study
- App Of The Week: Get Answers To The Skin Condition Questions
- Tedx Talk: Why Data Donation Will Become The New Blood Donation?
- Education: A $1 Billion Plan To Create A New College For Ai
- First Augmented Reality Solution For Hololens Cleared By The Fda
- Read These 3 Books To Get Ready For The Future Of Healthcare
- Researchers Show Effectiveness New Noninvasive Blood Glucose Test
- Watch: How Machine Learning Is Fighting Cancer?
- Smart Glove Wins World Health Summit Startup Award 2018
- AI In Healthcare. Do The Rewards Outweigh The Risks?
- Will Soon Amazon’s Alexa Diagnose You And Buy Medicines?
- Deep-Learning Model For More Consistent Screening Procedures
- Eu Countries Share Genomic Health Data To Boost Research
- International Unity And Innovation Answer To Global Health Threats
- Digital Health Literacy – Key Factor For The Democratization Of Health
- Report: Moving Data To The Heart Of Health Systems
- Ai In Healthcare: We Must Focus On Improving Outcomes For Patients
- Watch Apple’s Vision Of The Future Of Healthcare From 1988
- How Can Design Contribute To Gaining Acceptance For Digital Health Tools?
- NHS Searches New Innovations. Apply Until 24 October
- A Record Year For Digital Health Start-Ups But A New Disruptor Comes
- These Are The Most Promising Digital Health Innovations At Medica 2018
- George Crooks: Having An Electronic Health Record Is Not Enough
- Mobile App May Help Doctors Diagnose Parkinson’s Disease
- Press Review: Ai In Healthcare, Mental Health Monitoring, Top Emerging Technologies Of 2018
- The Nobel Prize In Physiology Or Medicine 2018 Announced
- Digital Diabetes Care Solutions Becoming Smarter. 10 Market Trends
- Forget Telemedicine Kiosks. This Clinic Drives Itself To A Patient
- Finland: Digitalization Of Health Care Leads To Patient Empowerment
- Report: What Exactly Does Smart Health Care Look Like?
- “The digital transformation of health and care will improve the lives of all Europeans”
- NHS Digital Hires First Chief Information Security Officer (Ciso)
- How Virtual Reality Can Help To Lower The Number Of Medical Errors?
- Innovative Medicines Initiative (Imi) Applies Blockchain To The Drug Development
- Ifa 2018: Huggable Sleep Robot Helps To Fight Insomnia
- This App Allows To Visualize And Explain Common Heart Problems
- Who Published The First Classification Of Digital Health Interventions
- Elon Musk Promises Technology That Connects Our Brains To Computers
- AI Algorithm Can Detect Life Threatening Blood Condition From ECG Signals
- Seminar: Digital Solutions In Health And Prevention
- Mission Healthcare: Apple Watch Series 4 With Ecg And Fall Detection
- Digital Challenges For Pharma. Interview With Eugene Borukhovich
- MIT Researches Developed Model To Detect Depression In Conversations
- Watch How Virtual Reality Helps To Train Healthcare Professionals
- Hype & Fraud: The Fall Of Theranos’ Revolutionary Blood Test
- Stanford Researchers Can Forecast Risk Of Deadly Condition From Genome Sequence
- European Commission Invites To Ict 2018 Conference
- Researchers Use Ai To Successfully Treat Metastatic Cancer Patient
- The Lancet Global Health: 1 In 4 Adults Are Inactive
- Who Establishes New Digital health Initiatives
- Self-Service Healthcare
- Philips Presents New Personalized Consumer Health Solutions
- Deloitte Survey: Only 14% of US Physicians Offer Virtual Visits
- Taiwanees Hospital Launches Healthcare Blockchain Platform
- Bayer Accelerates Six New Startups
- It costs $425,000 on average to develop an health app
- Rock Health Survey: Adoption Of Digital Health Tools
- Virtual Reality Helps Patients To Cope With Pain
- Big Data Tells The Truth About The World
- Medical Decision Making: Not Only Data Matters
- This Startup Created An Unique Hearing Test
- Report: Digital Health Vision 2018
- Let’s Talk: Robot Disguised As A Doctor
- Patients Need To Become The Point-Of-Care
- European Silver Economy Reaches €3.7 Trillion
- WATCH: Will We Accept Smart Technologies?
- 5 Top Smartphone Apps For Doctors
- Amazon Plans To Open Its First Clinic
- Emmanuel Macron’s AI Strategy: Controlled Disruption
- Smartphone Camera-Based Urinalysis At Home
- Financial Times: Dr Google Misleads Patients
- The Rise Of the Robot Therapists
- AI Supports Hospitals And Improves Patient Experience
- Together We Are Shaping Smarter Healthcare
- First non-invasive device to estimate vitamin K insufficiency risk
- New breathalyser shows long cancer in early stage
- Sensoria launches walking app to help with recovery time
- Theranos restructures, sees COO Sunny Balwani leave
- Virtuele care programms not yet a priority
- Ehealth co-operation to reduce bowel problems
- Making health data a public asset stimulates innovation
- Philips gets award for telecare service pregnant women
- Origami robot can remove accidentally swallowed batteries
- Measuring heartbeats no longer requires body attached sensors
- CEO Apple Tim Cook 'Watch to become medical device'
- T-Mobile, Alzheimer NL use gamification for research
- Scientists discuss project to create synthetic human genome
- Better awareness hospitals doesn’t yet translate into better security
- Big data makes leap forward in preventing sickness possible
- AMC spin-off Nico-Lab receives Horizon 2020 SME subsidy
- Point of care blood test shows evidence of heart attack after 10 minutes
- Wearables are not the magic cure people want them to be
- Study sheds new light on effects of lowering blood pressure in elderly
- Connected medication dispenser increases medication adherence
- Health and Environmental Tracker helps to prevent asthma attacks
- Muscle-like flexible material can revolutionize prosthetics
- Intel Capital invests $10 million in AI powered medical startup
- Limited digital sharing of information enhances chance of medication errors
- Technology hasn't changed healthcare - yet!
- Dutch Health ministry invests 20 million euros in ehealth for smb
- 2016 EU SME eHealth Competition awards Symptoma, and iHealth, for their solutions
- João Bocas joins editorial board ICT&health International
- Daniel Forslund receives eHealth Leadership Award for stimulating ehealth policy
- Microchip implants: will they lead us to a better world or a Brave New World?
- The future of eHealth needs to take the elderly into account. 5 Trends!
- Breakthrough in cardiovascular risk monitoring
- Identifying early warning signs of cancer through search queries
- New type of dressing turns green when wound becomes infected
- Adaptable exoskeleton helps children to move again, or for the first time
- Mobile technology enables ehealth for care, cure and research
- Smartphone use by millennial doctors will change the way healthcare works
- UK needs contingency plan for life science in case of Brexit
- AMA head Madera: most ehealth apps are digital snake oil
- German scientists bring miracle cure for cancer one step closer
- Madera critics: there is no digital snake oil
- IoT, mHealth are already changing interaction between patient and health providers
- Rockstart opens up new Digital Health Accelerator program
- IHS: progress in healthcare for patients poses challenge to policy makers, payers
- 28 million home health devices shipped by 2021
- Nanobots can help transform medicine
- John Halamka: 'Create the Fear of Missing Out'
- A guide to implementing AI in healthcare amid the EU AI Act
- Futurist Amy Webb claims that wearables will evolve into "connectables"
- How to improve Digital Patient Engagement to streamline workflows
- Smartwatches measuring glucose level: Harmful but easy to buy fake innovations
- Precision medicine becoming more prominent within healthcare
- Investor Draper: nothing wrong with Theranos
- The Fourth Industrial Revolution has a big impact on healthcare
- IoT partnerships help deliver the home care vision
- Wirral Care Record to be launched this September
- Apple might teach Silicon Valley to think different about health
- Finnish pilot for remote asthma monitoring service
- IBM Watson Health put to the test in hospitals, imaging tech companies
- Deloitte designs competition to generate breakthrough against cancer.
- New molecular glue blocks working of protein involved in many cancers
- Old malware threatens connected medical equipment
- Software almost equals specialist in recognizing in esophageal cancer
- Google Deepmind to help doctors with recognizing degenerative eye problems
- Novartis investing heavily in virtual conference platform
- EC invests 450 million euros in cybersecurity for health, financial sectors
- STAR offers breakthrough in robot surgery
- Investments in digital health start-ups reach 3,9 bln dollars in first half 2016
- Danish operator TDC part of COPD remote healthcare pilot
- Apple, Donate Life America offer simple organ donor procedure for iPhone users
- NightBalance completes financing round for apnea device
- US Health department wants to know about blockchain
- Health and fitness sensors drive growth for smartwatches
- Sensor technologies can revolutionize patient care
- Ageing and Integrated Care in the Netherlands and Singapore: shared challenges, different journeys – a conference report
- New blow for Theranos: fine and closure of Newark lab
- Apollo Hospitals, Airtel Africa, bring remote healthcare access to Africa
- Accenture invests 500.000 euros in Dutch robotics innovation hub
- Digital healthcare can deliver major cost reductions
- Telemedicine: a big, almost untapped potential to save time and money
- Technology will not replace the health professionals
- Chinese IT healthcare solutions market grows to 6.5 billion in 2020
- The doctor makes house calls again!
- Pharmacy 2.0
- New and fatal lung disease discovered
- Medtronics introduces app for diabetics
- Nanobots to the rescue!
- China starts testing a controversial gene-editing technique on patients
- Being put to sleep with an mobile phone
- The World Has Gone Digital .... But What About Healthcare?
- What about EPR, and the patient safety?
- Need a Kidney? Hang on, I’ll print one
- FDA approves CyPass Micro-Stent, an implant for Glaucoma
- Audi focuses on the well-being and health of the driver
- FitBit dominates market for health and fitness wearables, Apple growing
- IBM Watson correctly diagnosis rare form of leukemia
- Social media use by patients raises ethical issues
- Watching movie during operation could prevent tress and help recovery process
- Apple might be working on a standalone health-tracking device
- Vodafone launches smart bikini to warn against UV radiation
- The importance of determining ROI in the digital health value chain
- New technology reduce lack of sense during invasive surgery
- Dutch researchers look into music as alternative for pain treatment
- Telehealth is becoming a no-brainer quickly
- Healthcare executives fear more hacks
- New patent for Apple, making an ECG with your watch
- Scientists closer to pointing out genes responsible for diseases
- New type of wearable help people with autism control anxiety
- Ransomware will Kill
- Neural chip can help people fight neurological afflictions
- Ten Technologies that change pharma industry for good or for bad
- Great opportunities for Dutch e-health businesses in Germany
- Mobile approach to facilitate EHR acces improves use and sharing of data
- Virtual reality, a leap into cancer cells
- Withings expanding staff aggressively to keep up growth ehealth market
- E-skin that keeps sticking and is easily removed
- Hundreds of volunteers to battle Alzheimer's with wearable technology
- Mobile security a growing concern for hospitals
- An eye test to discover Parkinson’s?
- Apple buys startup Gliimpse, broadens health strategy
- Should smart homes not be designed especially for the elderly?
- Mint Solutions raises 5 mln euro’s to expand markets for MedEye
- National Health IT Market Leaders Partner in Response to €875m Irish EHR Strategy
- The slow path towards a single electronic health records
- WhatsApp might become the new normal for doctor – patient communications
- Simulations will cut down costs and risks for clinical trials
- Detect an arrhythmia with your fingertip!
- New smart glass combines health sensor technology with good design
- Philips launches new version of its IntelliSpace Cardiovascular
- Playing games on a tablet just as effective as medicine!
- Personalised medicine offers chances, faces challenges
- Health & fitness are making headway in wearables
- Big data used in treatment of sepsis
- The hospital sound of the future
- 3M and Cerner team up to improve healthcare
- Digital is the way to go to keep healthcare available and improve quality
- HTC invests in VR software developer Surgical Theater
- Finding the risk on breast cancer faster with AI
- Mobile biometrics market grows fast, important in healthcare
- Neural Dust sensors inside humans can monitor and treat disease
- Electronic health records might make doctors ill
- The considerable potential of mHealth needs evidence
- Super-resolution Microscope creates 3D images of negative space in biological samples
- Finaly Apple gets tougher on bad health apps
- New Apple Watch committed on health and fitness
- Worldwide mHealth services market worth US$ 59 billion in 2020
- EC nearing end of public consultation on safety of apps
- Sanofi, Verily combine forces to fight diabetics
- Robot helps in delicate eye operation – a world’s first!
- Mhealth devices need to be adjusted because Apple's new strategy
- Simple, non-invasive testing of hemoglobin in blood with smartphone-app
- The impact of artificial intelligence in 2030
- Ransomware presents growing threat to healthcare
- Telemedicine can be used to prevent blindness from diabetic retinopathy
- The powers and limits of texting for medical adherence
- One million dollars for DNA on Demand!
- New way discovered for making medical isotopes without radioactive waste
- Pfizer launched app to support individuals with depression
- Crowd funded ehealth helps people to monitor weight and sleep better
- A wearable that tells you how much water you should drink!
- Telemedicine, still not as normal as sliced bread
- Social robot for people with mental disabilities
- Healthcare needs to start worrying about its IT vulnerability
- Digital transformation is beginning in MEA countries
- Brexit, Suppliers & Health IT Spend
- Dutch ministry invests 105 million euros in digital information hospitals
- Microsoft helps fight cancer with AI platform Hannover
- AirStrip receives FDA-approval for web app
- Funding for Facebook like platform for doctors connects physicians globally
- Microsoft vows to 'solve' cancer within 10 years
- Social robot Phi for people with mental disabilities
- Zuckerberg and Chan invest 3 billion in fighting diseases
- Google DeepMind talks with worried patients about its healthcare plans
- US federal government invests 87 mln dollars in improved EHR’s
- First international 24/7 remote ICU monitoring launched
- App helps ventilated patients communicate with staff, visitors
- New platform for health diagnostics based on your voice?
- Wearables increase participation rates in corporate wellness programs
- The Hague organises international care innovation conference
- Apple wants to interpret data with HealthKit, not just pass it on
- A wearable that diagnoses epilepsy
- Blurring boundaries between consumer and medical devices
- US Health giant Aetna promotes Apple Watch for health purposes
- Repairing human bones with 3D printed synthetic replicas
- IoT, wearables will transform healthcare, improving lives
- One in three people digitally monitor health or fitness condition
- Verily joins Dutch research project on Parkinson’s disease
- Wake up, sleep needs to digitalise!
- Big Data, AI, IoT have biggest impact on healthcare in 2017
- Free app collects 70 million emotions worldwide to prevent suicide
- Healthcare is not Apple enough, Apple expands in healthcare
- Startup iBeat and Dr. Mehmet Oz launch watch for heart patients
- Theranos closes labs, fires employees in move to survive
- Healthcare industry fastest growing in mobility revenues
- FitBit goes on the offense, shows its worth in healthcare
- Technological possibilities and healthcare reality are out of sync
- Microsoft: no Band 3 this year, remains committed to health services
- Online doctor visits are on the rise, according to Kaiser Permantente
- Unicef Drones transporting medical supplies when infrastructure is not in place
- Duke University testing HoloLens for brain surgery
- Nanoparticles used on mice prevent cartilage degeneration
- Partnership Rockstart and, Dutch Health Valley to support health startups
- Chatbot Melody assists doctors to collect patient information
- Imatgina initiative helps children deal with radiology experience
- Zoom+ launches telemedicine chat app
- Apple Watch most accurate wrist wearable for measuring heartbeat
- C dots not only tag, but kill cancer cells
- ABI: nine million continuous glucose monitor (CGM) shipments by 2021
- Healthcare fastest growing industry in security investments
- Theranos premise, simple blood drawing and testing still on the horizon
- Educate surgeons in Virtual Reality
- Proliferation of smartphone brings back house call by the doctor
- Cybersecurity spending on connected medical devices set to triple by 2021
- Revolutionary transparent graphene neural sensors
- PointClickCare Launches Skin and Wound Smartphone App
- Major Cancer breakthrough with new nanotechnology
- BIMA is bringing insurance to development countries
- Dutch robot battles with multi-resistant bacteria’s
- New machine learning technique to understand drug resistance cancer cells
- Employees don’t want to adopt telemedicine - just yet
- Smart sock adds sensations to prosthetics
- 50% population will rely on virtual personal health assistants for primary care in 2025
- Philips completes large scale pathology validation study
- Checking patients progress using an app-based program at Saint Peter’s
- 32 million dollar raised to fund the San Francisco-based company Habit
- Augmented reality will become mainstream in healthcare after 2018
- Samsung launches new mobile digital radiography system
- 23andMe stops development next generation genetics sequencing
- Blockchain can revolutionize information sharing in healthcare
- A new system of measuring healthcare quality is needed
- Pathology startup Proscia broadens cloudplatform with cancer research tools
- UK hospitals shut down IT-systems, cancel operations, after virus infection
- New bioceramic screw revolutionize setting of complex bone fractures
- Nanoparticles used in fight against cancer
- Virtual Reality for elderly with dementia
- Drugs that could cure HIV and AIDS developed by scientists
- New research aims at standard cancer care for pregnant women
- Norway uses Dutch ParkinsonNet
- Philips, Masimo end legal disputes, sign business partnership
- Fraunhofer develops new deep learning method to find changes in tumor images
- NASA’s new material discovery speeds up the healing process
- Personalised healthcare, good for people, good for business
- 3 revolutionary Healthcare innovations according to experts
- Takeda takes steps in the future of healthcare
- Artificially enhanced extracellular matrix can coat implants for faster adoption
- A better smile on your face with a new 3D invisible brace
- HealthTap launches cloudplatform for ehealth app developers
- Research confirms negative influence smartphone use on bed rest
- Rice expands graphene repertoire with MRI contrast agent
- New non-invasive DNA-test for the unborn child
- German students reach breakthrough in bio-printing
- Positive ROI boosts mobile health strategy
- Smart footwear will become fast growing segment in mhealth
- Ava raises $9.7M tu further develop their fertility-tracking wearable
- Microsoft releases app for colour blinds on iPhone
- Surgical app company Touch Surgery signs agreement with Ethicon
- Digital tools strive to simulate in-person doctor visits
- Smartinhaler reduces hospitalizations
- ARM and US TrustedCare teamed up to build medical devices for people with chronic conditions
- Revolutionary assay Improve survival after kidney transplantation
- Telemedicine consultations provide beter care in high-risk deliveries
- Unique amyloid buildup in brain blood vessel offers clue to Alzheimer’s development
- Novartis postpones testing Google’s smart contact lens
- New device eases Acute Heroin-withdrawal pain
- First wearable vitamin D coach by e-Senses and Holst Centre
- SIMPLE makes practising operations lifelike
- New findings might help battling Alzheimer's, Type 2 Diabetes
- OslerMD: quick health checkup with a four finger scan
- ENISA: hospitals next target for cyber-attacks
- Siren Care creates smart socks for diabetic patients
- Medical robotics research gets a half million euro financial injection
- Google gets five-year access to health data of 1.6m people
- Karolinska University Hospital builds flexible operating room around surgical team
- Herston Health Precinct to launch Biofabrication Institute
- US veterans diagnosed by deep-learning
- Daniel Kraft: ‘Technology changes care irrevocably, think about the consequences now’
- Sensor suit monitors and analyse stroke patients at home
- Remote care technology helps to battle chronic diseases
- Hackable implanted medical devices can kill patients
- Augmented reality used against phantom pain
- Aridhia expands European Appeal with New RSRCH-Health Service in Netherlands
- New portable sensor needs one drop to quickly assess clotting ability of blood
- Ireland has its first ‘digital baby’, named Emily
- One Drop diabetes service gets FDA clearance
- Genetic code lung cells cracked in battle against IPF
- AI and machine learning have yet to make a real impact on healthcare
- Graphene-enhanced silly putty can measure heartrate and blood pressure
- The 8 semifinalists of the Accenture HealthTech Innovation Challenge
- New echo-based Amazon home health tool by Orbita
- APIs can provide unprecedented patient access to health data
- Wearables have great potential – but not right now
- Microfluidic chip can lead to faster, cheaper drugs screening
- ERC grants €605 mln in Consolidator Grants for young researchers
- Dutch University invests in tech health projects for people living in poverty
- New application makes smart screening in healthcare possible
- Technological changes in healthcare impact regulation
- Seeing your unborn child in 3D soon be possible
- 21st Century Cures Act is a blessing to telehealth
- Mobile ecosystem expanding role patient in research and innovation
- Algorithm labels images of individual vertebrae during spine surgery
- Miniaturized sensor determines pH and chloride levels in fluid
- AI-powered eye care global research group launched by Microsoft India
- A consumer exoskeleton to assist elderly is underway
- Technology supporting and improving healthcare is just at the beginning
- Breathalyser detects 17 illnesses through breath analysis
- 5 Israelic medical innovations from 2016
- Millennials have different expectations from healthcare
- Digital Healthcare prospects are looking good for 2017
- Pixels save human lives, what 4K adds to healthcare
- Dutch medtech startups are doing well in 2016
- Univercells receives $12 million from Gates Foundation
- Scientists come up with temporary ink to mark areas for cancer treatment
- Healthcare IoT applications gaining momentum in MEA region
- Smart insulin can make life easier for diabetes patients
- A new app helps doctors find the right health app for their patients
- Mobile technology will reshape use of ultrasound in healthcare
- Cognitive Computing a rising star in the healthcare industry
- Fraunhofer: low-energy-electrons for different approach to vaccine production
- FDA’s Cybersecurity Guidelines for Medical Devices have arrived
- Healthcare investments in IoT will grow fast between 2016-2020
- Scientists create antibiotic spider silk
- Fitbit makes new inroads into the healthcare industry
- Theranos fires another 155 employees in a bid to survive
- 3D X-ray movies show bones while moving
- Novo Nordisk and Glooko team up for digital diabetes management
- Health segment growing in importance in 3D printing, enterprise wearables
- Is that a phone fixing your face?
- Smart packaging can help patients with more user friendly instructions
- Healthcare fast growing segments in robotics
- FDA issues warning about hackable Implantable Cardiac Devices
- More mobility for the elderly with the Aura Power Suit
- New technique for eavesdropping on neurons
- 3D-printed blood vessels successfully implanted in monkeys
- Big data agreement between Merck, Palantir
- New approaches in neuroscience, with the help of Donkey Kong
- Going to the doctor? Make an appointment with the S Health app
- Machine learning algorithm predicts match between donor liver and recipient
- New Indian health app takes on Apple's HomeKit and Google's Health services
- Big data used to tackle growing opioid problem
- Graphene tattoo can replace bulke measurement equipment
- New soft robotic sleeve helps heart beat
- New technology to help reduce medication errors
- ‘YO’ enables FDA aproved at-home sperm fertility test
- A unique platform for digital image exchange for Pathology Diagnostics
- Using smartphone for DNA analysis can reduce impact of wrong treatment
- Telehealth platform provider Avizia and MLS Telehealth team up to offer provider network
- Twitter can help predict outbreak of disease
- Nurx gives easier access to birth control methods
- Algorithm created by Stanford researchers to visually detect skin cancer
- Senior citizens will buy stylish hearing aids more and more.
- Completely Locked-in People able to Communicate via Brain-Computer Interface
- UCHealth launches online appointment scheduling, virtual
- Glooko and Ascensia team up to integrate diabetes management Technologies
- Treat vertigo with the aid of ‘Virtual reality’
- Patient monitoring wearables market will multiply in coming years
- Luckless Jawbone set to go for high margin healthcare business
- Medical 3D printing program, first of its kind in Canada
- Sensor equipped vest provides non invasive cardiac mapping method
- Digital health can prevent medical errors, save lives and reducing costs
- Patients are offered tablets for telemonitoring by Northwell Health Home Care
- UC Davis Health is integrating patient-Generated health Data to improve health
- 78% wants to use virtual healthcare, only 21% does…
- 3D printing in healthcare is getting bigger quickly
- New electronic pill can stay in gut for longer period of time
- COPD patients profit from growing patient monitoring wearable market
- Access to medical data through EHR’s still not what it should be
- Technology can help Singapore healthcare, but there are challenges
- 60 percent health record data breaches January caused by insiders
- Virtual nurse app by Sense.ly raises $8 million from investors
- Swymed backback aims at bringing telemedicine to low connectivity areas
- Revenues remote patient monitoring solutions grow to 32 billion euro by 2021
- Sex education via an app for the young
- Tom Lawry, Director Worldwide Health Microsoft, new member Editorial Board ICT&health
- Measuring calories by reading tweets can improve public health
- Your pocket doctor evolves into a personal health support system
- UK hospitals trial that monitors vital signs, gives early warning
- ‘Cloud suppliers can provide adequate protection for health data’
- Nurses need safe communications solutions to improve workflow
- Healthcare IT must embrace behavioral science in order to create better UX
- Genomics has great promise but also faces hurdles in personalised medicine
- Healthcare industry: top 10 most innovative companies for 2017
- Housecall-app Heal expanding nationwide in US
- Withings relaunches under Nokia brand, early summer 2017
- The healthcare has no place for a McDonaldization
- Digital health can help accomplish Universal health Coverage
- Patient engagement front and centre at HIMSS 2017
- Philips joins forces with German Onelife for mother & child care
- Monitor teens digitally with smart pills after organ transplant
- NHS ‘lost’ 500.000 documents with patient-sensitive material
- Patients believe open access medical records is key in quality care
- Fraunhofer Institute develops ultrasound technology for liver cancer
- Follow the virus software can track disease outbreaks in real time
- A holographic game from Cigna and Microsoft for health screenings
- Writing human genome might be possible within 10 years
- Universal cancer care needs both technology and human touch
- Facebook spots suicidal users with artificial intelligence
- Doctors provide insight into epileptic seizures with an Apple Watch
- Patients expect more from data sharing than what is possible
- Breakthrough MRI-guided Cancer Treatment approved by FDA
- Welby teams up with J&J's Janssen to develop a mobile app for ADHD
- First FDA clearance for robotic guidance system for dental implant procedures
- Augmented Reality to improve accuracy of surgeries
- Pregnancy e-tool Babyscripts aims at OBGYN professionals
- Computer models can help predict adverse drug reactions
- More focus on group ‘medium cost’ patients will save money later on
- Combating depression among the elderly with videogames
- Telecare creates new care network for older people
- Telehealth services increase cost for payer, a Rand study suggests
- Your smartwatch can tell you when to call in sick for work
- 40 percent hospitals will roll out digital transformation initiatives in 2017
- New neuroprosthetics bring great advantages and big risks
- 3D modelling and imaging helps surgeons with complex operations
- Electronic pills measures body temperature
- ResearchKit proves a reliable source for health researchers
- Philips deepens strategic partnership with Phoenix Children’s Hospital
- Computer model can predict most deadly lung cancers
- Algorithm rates suturing skills by itself
- New nano implant might help restore sight
- Apple wants iPads in all hospitals
- Mhealth programs can increase healthy behaviour in children
- Engineers take pictures of brain with surgical needle and laser light
- Telemedicine has positive effect on environmental and travel costs
- Toshiba medical expands Aplio i-series with MSK imaging
- Dutch Researchers Erasmus MC successfully reverse ageing
- NY Attorney General reaches settlement with health app developers
- Testing sperm motility at home just became easy
- Pokemon Go like app to get patients moving wins San Diego hackathon
- Oracle promises streamlined end to end clinical data flow with new cloud service
- GE Healthcare goes digital with $500 million investment
- Musk backs bio implant startup Neuralink
- New California healthcare site rates doctors
- Man with quadriplegia can move hand and arm again by thinking about it
- Positive effects of telemedicine in a safety net setting
- Mobile technology used to personalise recommendations during pregnancy
- Miniature 3D reproductive tract simplify research, drug testing
- Online metabolic calculator better in determining risk of diseases
- Cardiio uses light-reflection data to determine irregular heartbeat
- US healthcare can save $60 billion with digital investments
- Tiny bioengineered blood vessel provides blood flow for tissue implants
- Big data can save lives - with the right questions asked
- Small Florida community uses technology to create a healthy lifestyle
- Healthcare among fastest growing segments in AI/cognitive systems
- Philips, B. Braun, join forces for regional anesthesia solutions
- Implementing telemedicine not as easy as it may seem
- Printed electronics can provide cheap health and fitness trackers
- New regulations for medical devices, in vitro diagnostics approved
- Ransomware attack may expose data of 55.000 paediatric patients
- Healthcare Analytics lessons to be gleaned from around the world
- ERC hands out €540 mln worth in Advanced Grants
- New software builds personalized 3D maps of brain functions
- Growing interest in interoperability education among healthcare leaders
- Forward offers ‘no insurance based’ primary care
- Renselaer working on moldable scaffold for skull bone
- NBA and Kaiser Permanente partner to discuss mental health
- Microfluidic technique captures and counts circulating plasma cells
- Apple makes new inroads into health with glucose sensor technology
- Swiss researchers developed a camera system to track premature babies
- Not the next big thing matters, but technology saving lives
- Toyota launches rental service for rehabilitation robot
- Successful launch ICT&health International magazine
- Artificial Intelligence helps predicting heart failure
- VR, AR become lifesaving technologies in the OR
- US government launches cyber security center for healthcare
- App helps to predict impact food on blood sugar levels
- IBM officials state that artificial intelligence could democratize healthcare
- AI based algorithm can predict likelihood of diabetic retinopathy
- New Annals of Surgery study shows power of visual abstracts
- Brainwaves might predict students interest in school subjects
- Defining personal health is needed to make its impact bigger
- Virtual human program improves bedside manners of aspiring doctors
- AI and robotics in healthcare will be accepted by public
- Philips-CEO: how your smart toothbrush can keep you healthy
- 18-year old Mexican student develops bra EVA to detect breast cancer
- Dramatic but very uneven growth of telemedicine for mental health issues
- Apps tracking menstrual cycle lack functionality and are too pink
- The Dutch healthcare policy is based on shared responsibility
- How does automation change healthcare?
- Chatbots: the future of healthcare?
- New heads up surgical 3D platform improves operating experience
- Dutch government grants 113 million for ground-breaking research
- AI, robots will replace professionals in healthcare by 2022
- Philips expands OB/GYN ultrasound portfolio with new visualization tools
- 3D technology, new algorithms aid in use of prosthetic limbs
- Resembling control of prosthetic limb movement
- Propeller sensor helps asthma patients manage disease
- NHS slowly returning to ‘normal’ after WannaCry attack
- Cybersecurity not enough of a concern in healthcare - ABI
- Impact IoT in healthcare will remain relatively small in coming years
- New lung “organoids” in a dish mimic full-size lung features
- Prototype implantable chip gives patients more intuitive control of arm prosthetics
- Detecting disease markers at home with tiny organic chips
- New brain implant could make controlling exoskeletons with mind possible
- Optum, IBM rank highest in HealthTech Ranking IDC
- iGlucose System for diabetes patients receives FDA clearance
- Wearable devices can give insights into brain activity
- British public sceptical about protection of medical records
- FDA seeking to accelerate approval of regenerative medicine therapies
- Study shows measuring caloric with wrist-worn devices not accurate
- Getting fit with a personal trainer on the go with Gixo
- CHOMA Dreams Cafés create safe spaces for South African girls
- Preality VR can help medical students learn to cope with stress situations
- Electronic insole detects foot strike pattern in runners
- Apple loads watchOS 4 with health-oriented features
- Health-oriented Apple and Xiaomi dethrone FitBit as wearables market leader
- First mixed reality livestream of neurosurgical procedure at Helsinki University
- Alexa delivers Mayo Clinic news via Amazon Echo
- Facebook Messenger now offers a mental health chatbot
- Healthcare biggest vertical in wearable volume in 2022
- Hospitals need to help and push EHR vendors to get the solution they need
- Philips announces cloud-based IntelliSpace Oncology to integrate patient data
- Dutch Venture Challenge award for X-Heal diagnostic technology
- Smart stethoscope by Eko cleared by FDA
- Immune cells working as cancer assassins help with personalised treatment
- IT infrastructure key to better communication between doctor, patient
- New app helps moms and nurses manage breastmilk
- New foreays from HP, Samsung into healthcare
- Lab-on-a-chip can monitor health, find diseases
- Apple’s iPhone may be the next place to store medical information
- Engineers at FIU develop wearable sensor to battle excessive drinking
- Digital technology can help lower healthcare costs, study suggests
- Telemedicine just as effective for headaches as a visit to the doctor
- FDA outlines plans for post market device regulation
- Defibrillator equipped drones have potential in saving lives
- Nokia's biggest expansion in consumer healthcare is coming up
- First Canadian patient equipped with a real time heart monitoring sensor
- AI and robotics in healthcare: not a danger but a helping hand
- Advances in healthcare digitization give strategic focus to analytics
- Researchers combine deep learning with social robotics
- Google changes removal policies with addition of private medical records
- A virtual walk in nature helps with acute pain management
- Late-night phone use has negative effect on mental health teenagers
- City Health Dashboard to expand across U.S.
- New global ransomware attack ‘more sophisticated’
- Accenture: AI will lead to $150 billion in annual savings by 2026
- Duke studies effectiveness of mobile apps after heart failure
- Lab-on-a-chip as early warning system for preterm birth
- Apple announces additions to Research- and CareKit
- 3D printed models improve patient outcome in heart valve replacements
- Sanofi and PARAXEL to study potential of wearables in clinical trials
- Precision medicine held back by lack of understanding biological systems
- UK hospital receives slap on wrist after sharing data with DeepMind
- HandScan helps with painless examination rheumatoid arthritis
- Philips expanding uGrow platform with acquisition of Health & Parenting
- 4D-Flow MRI used to improve personalised care for BAV patients
- Drayson will develop digital health tools for UK universities
- UCLA looks into rewiring brain in order to help with depressions
- DARPA funded project looks into less invasive brain implant device
- Portable device predicts deadly sepsis at its onset
- Study based on global smartphone data shows ways to target obesity
- Electronic health records might hurt patient care, doctors say
- UC San Francisco researcher use big data to find new ways of using drugs
- Philips gets FDA-clearance for wearable psoriasis treatment
- Virtual reality system teaches residents, helps surgeons, reassures patients
- The analogue hearts needs to be part of the digital revolution in healthcare
- IDC recognizes four healthcare IT vendors using machine learning
- Philips buys German TomTec to broaden diagnostic ultrasound portfolio
- Co-operation between K4Connect, Garmin on wearables for elderly, disabled
- Healthcare in Africa in one of the booming businesses
- Artificial Intelligence in Orthodontics
- Harvard University researchers use Google data to track dengue fever
- AI based algorithms help identify instances of schizophrenia
- Digital technologies must support overall EU health policy goals
- Korean scientists develop breath sensor that spots disease biomarkers
- High willingness in healthcare industry to adopt new technology
- Google Glass makes new inroads in healthcare
- Mayo Clinic keeps breaking 3D-printing barriers
- Smart walk assist improves rehabilitation after stroke, spinal injury
- IBM, Quest Diagnostics and MSK collaborate in new precision medicine service
- 'E-health is great. But if we lose the analogue heart, then we've missed it’
- FDA launches new pilot program for health related software development
- New inroads into healthcare: Apple combines forces with Cochlear
- Smartphone with gas sensor can detect fine dust, regulate medication delivery
- The good, the bad and the CRISPR-Cas9: the advantages and ethical questions
- Collecting data in healthcare only first step towards value based care
- Hybrid flexible-rigid robotic arm can go where flexible endoscopes can’t
- Using fitness trackers can de-motive teens, negatively impacting lifestyle
- 3D printing set to grow big in aerospace, healthcare
- Siemens updates some medical scanners to prevent malware infection
- New study opens up novel ways to use sweat for biomedical measurements
- Radio waves can monitor sleep patterns, simplifying study of sleep disorders
- Skin transplantation could be effective in battling diabetes, obesity
- Most people trust Apple with their health data
- Dentacoin: dental care integral to overall health
- Healthcare organizations are increasing focus on cyber threats - HIMMS
- Handheld spectral analyzer can turn smartphone into diagnostic tool
- Google buys healthcare startup Senosis Health
- Dutch VECOZO uses Cisco ACI ecosystem to meet growing network demands
- Big data used to create new classification of common diseases
- Telemedicine useful for easier access to medical specialists
- New method of 3D bioprinting can assist in repairing human body
- Telemedicine effective alternative for people with Parkinson’s disease
- UoC researchers play central role in new genomic database for pediatric cancer
- EU needs to fine tune ehealth strategy to make big data successful in healthcare
- UCB, ByteFlies, collaborate in wearable pilot to monitor epileptic seizures
- New method can selectively erase fear memory
- Philips integrates IntelliVue Guardian with automated EWS at Lakeland Health
- Novartis launches large scale mobile based research into MS
- AI is everywhere, and now it can hear if you’re suffering from Alzheimer’s
- New algorithm can detect early signs of dementia years ahead of symptoms
- Mimetas, Roche develop novel ‘gut’-on-a-chip system
- Stretchable biofuel cells can power wearable devices with sweat
- Healthcare wearables entering new phase with new form factors
- Snap a selfie, check for sign of pancreatic cancer
- AR and 3D simulations project desired result of surgery on patients face
- New medical camera sees through the body, track endoscopes
- The five key areas to know about when it comes to 3D printing in medicine
- Standard technology in connected world goes a long way in helping surgeons
- CMR claims to have built world’s smallest robot with Versius
- HIMSS dives deeper into focus areas for cyber security
- Algorithm lets smartwatches learn about peoples every move
- Japanese Xenoma crashes into smart clothing market with e-skin
- Remote patient monitoring drive growth disposable connected sensors
- AI thinking like someone with autism models human cognition
- Purdue researchers create risk-on-a-chip to find causes of breast cancer
- Smartphone camera can be used to diagnose concussion
- Robots and AI will not replace doctors anytime soon
- Calltech researchers develop miniature chip that monitors body from inside
- Patient feedback helps in replacing paper with tablet at NYU Langone
- ERC awards a range of research grants
- Mobile health devices key in improving heart patient therapy, survival
- Epic gives patients freedom to share medical data with every clinician
- FDA permits marketing of mobile medical app to help treat SUDs
- HIV patients can use app to replace face-to-face consultations
- VR version of Sea Hero Quest promises more accurate insights of dementia
- Using wearables can have negative impact on well -being of users
- Microsoft sets up healthcare department for AI research at Cambridge facility
- First autonomous drone network for medical purposes starts in Switzerland
- Libelium launches new version of ‘suitcase’ hospital MySignals
- US Tri-Regulator Collaborative: interoperability EHRs is essential
- More than 50% healthcare professionals believe telehealth is big priority
- Telemedicine can assist in improving remote medical education
- Online tool gives insights in effects of policy on tobacco related deaths
- Cedars-Sinai makes patient app available on Apple Watch
- Training together will increase usefulnes activity trackers during exercise
- New 3D printer can print biomaterials directly onto skin
- International cooperation big cities for senior citizens
- Penn Med big data tool predicts ED visits lung cancer patients
- Dutch robot allows for super-microsurgical intervention
- The future of digital healthcare is just around the corner
- Nokia sharpens digital health focus, scraps VR development
- Body-on-a-chip mimics improves testing of drug effects
- Smart bandage can improve healing process
- New sensor measure fat burning, intoxication with convenient breathalyser
- EHealth Tallinn 2017 impact digital transformation of healthcare
- Growth VR in healthcare driven by broad adaptation
- Google testing drone deliveries of medication in the Australian skies
- Flexible ingestible sensor can help diagnose digestive disorders
- Brain activity of premature new-born baby recorded
- Intel launches Health Application Platform for remote care
- New flexible sensor skin has real sense of touch
- Smartphone, social media led to sleep deprivation for teens
- Tallinn eHealth: unified approach needed universal digital health access
- EU funded ORCHID establishes infrastructure for organs-on-a-chip R&D
- Key chain attach iEAT device can monitor food for allergens
- Scientists show how brain re-maps motor, sensory pathways for prostheses
- E-learning tool improve quality of life for teens with Juvenile arthritis
- Cheap microchip can turn 2-D ultrasound machine in 3D imaging device
- Fraunhofer develops AR navigation aid for removing cancer
- Digital coaching increases health, medical adherence RA patients
- Digital health: better information to strengthen trust
- What’s the Future for Health Apps?
- Remote Patient Monitoring – The Need for Good Research Methodology
- Swedish healthcare provider digitizes pathology for primary diagnostics
- Healthcare Interoperability and key considerations. Ready for the future?
- Digital maturity vs. Reality. How to rethink the IT staff role in a hospital
- End-users of mobile health apps expect far more than a good design
- Healthcare organizations begin to transition from digitalization toward digital health intelligence
- How the game helps children navigate a virtual hospital, reducing their anxiety
- EP approves provisional EHDS agreement
- Medtronic receives FDA approval for Inceptiv neurostimulator
- COCIR Secretary General: Thriving R&I environment is essential for future-proofing healthcare
- Space medicine: How innovations made for astronauts benefit every patient on Earth
- How successful innovations can improve healthcare worldwide
- 2nd International Policy Forum during the ICT&health World Conference
- Break the barriers and help build!
- ICT&health World Conference opens its doors
- We must adopt exponential thinking to see the value of digitalization
- Data and collaboration will form the basis for sustainable healthcare
- Peter Skillman: Status is the death of innovation
- When and how to measure patient satisfaction to detect bottlenecks
- Transformation of healthcare systems is a must for sustainable care
- Data, AI and robotics are real game changers for Philips
- Putting the patient first: the key to healthcare innovation
- No pharma has fully cracked the code for digital health
- Santeon project AI in the ICU enters new phase
- Collaboration crucial in global digital transformation
- Spanish hospitals to use Philips ePatch and Cardiologs
- Everyone has the right to digital care
- A mental hygiene digital coach for healthcare workers
- Telehealth reduces CO2 footprint of cancer care
- Use of AI leads to more accurate diagnosis of prostate cancer
- Innovative Scottish AI and IoT home monitoring system
- Winners Philips Innovator Awards 2024
- HEREDITARY project lays foundation for European AI research platform
- The humanoid Sophia is a PR stunt, not a robot that will accompany you
- How to address severe errors in 10% of Electronic Health Records
- Use of e-health in Dutch GP practices continues to grow
- Cloud solution for transforming diagnostic imaging technology
- AI-based ultrasound for better diagnosis of heart disease
- ENISA warns of "hacktivism" targeting healthcare and authorities
- Digital technology promotes patient-centered care
- Successful robotic lung cancer surgery in Groningen
- Young Inventors Prize for Dutch AI chemistry kit
- Some technologies may look good on stage but do not work in the OR
- Will AI Big Brother reduce medical errors in the operating room?
- Cloud computing has a role in healthcare transformation
- Hologram assistant helps patient in Dutch pharmacy
- WHO starts collaborative network on digital health
- AI-driven software makes MRI scans faster
- Maastro conducts research into precision radiotherapy for epilepsy
- Can command centers bring hospitals into data-driven care?
- Project MARCH IX's new exoskeleton is faster and lighter
- AI reduces medical errors by minimizing ‘System 1’ in decisionmaking
- Arm robots do not help rehabilitation after stroke
- Elderly care providers prepare for CSRD
- ChatGPT may help medical students prepare for exams
- Prof. Petra Ritter: 'We decipher the principles of human cognition'
- The patient will understand you now
- Walmart Health and other health clinics close their doors
- AI technology for sperm quality control
- Precision diagnostics prevent injuries in elite athletes
- How should healthcare entities prepare for major IT outages?
- Hybrid working models offer GPs a better work-life balance
- Will Artificial Intelligence Solve Urgent Problems in Medicine?
- Prof. Petra Ritter: “We decipher the principles of human cognition”
- First at-home digital rehabilitation of post-stroke cognitive deficits
- PECAN: France's fast-track scheme for digital health applications
- Can digital innovations address Europe’s health workforce crisis?
- Addressing staff shortage: more digitization, less administration
- Researchers develop technology for early Parkinson diagnosis
- Apple adds sleep apnea detection and hearing aid feature to wearables
- Belgian universities build a digital platform for Alzheimer research
- Three Dutch UMCs soon to open post-COVID expertise centers
- Logistics robot lightens workload in Dutch hospital
- Harnessing digital innovation to reduce fatigue among medical staff
- Data availability: the route from vision to realization
- EU AI Act: A game-changer or a burden for healthcare in Europe?
- Development of smart surgical knife for brain surgeons
- The European Health Data Space (EHDS): Insider update on next steps
- Medicinfo joins the Innovation Partner Group
- The first HTA framework for digital health technologies in Europe
- Dutch Maasstad hospital connects smart infusion pumps to EHR
- Data models should predict cardiac arrhythmias
- Nobel Prize for AI: ‘Digital doctors to be expected in 10-15 Years’
- The rise of telehealth: insights from Norway
- App for tracking illnesses while traveling
- AI can miss the mark because it lacks patient context
- AI can diagnose corneal infections as well as ophthalmologists
- NHS app to give British citizens full access to medical records
- Lizard saliva scan finds rare tumor
- Access your medical records with Samsung Health App
- Patients operate cluster headache neurostimulator themselves
- New scanner can diagnose skin cancer within half a minute
- How High-Reliability Organizations improve safety and quality of care
- Nominations for the ICT&health Awards 2025 now open!
- Oracle launches an AI-driven EHR system
- What concerns you about (the future of) healthcare?
- Without trust, digital health won’t deliver on its promises
- Investing in health creates economic growth
- Improved Emergency care through live video link with ambulance
- International collaboration to improve disease prevention with AI
- Home monitoring project to prevent COPD lung attacks
- WHO: Every dollar invested in digital health returns up to 24-fold
- China working on standard for virtual primary care
- Wearable EKG patch as effective as traditional ECG
- Predicting risk of stroke after CF-LVAD implementation
- European doctors call for tighter rules for AI in healthcare
- Safer heart surgery thanks to smart wire
- Combining technologies for better hemodynamic monitoring
- New tech for real-time measurement of intestinal bacteria activity
- Early Alzheimer's detection with earbuds
- Digital urine tester for the toilet
- With AR and AI, Philips gives healthcare a boost
- Overuse of AI in healthcare will increase CO2 emissions
- ChatGPT outperformed doctors again? Pitfalls of reporting AI progress
- Improved 3D printed blood vessels thanks to bioink with DNA
- Do you know how your DNA is handled?
- U.S. healthcare organizations start assessing generative AI tools
- New EU Health Commissioner on biotech, AI, MDR, HTA and cybersecurity
- WHO Handbook for global digital transformation in primary healthcare
- AI makes preventive screening for heart failure cost-effective
- Predicting fall risk Parkinson's patients with wearable sensors
- All AI’s powers: Insights from the AI Index Report 2024
- Tracking cancer progression with blood test and AI algorithm
- Time of occurrence of stroke much more precise with AI
- Smartphone effective means to help young people to quit vaping
- Most LLMs for medical decisions perform poorly
- Maastro innovates organ-sparing radiation for rectal cancer
- Cybersecurity trends in healthcare 2025
- AI tool examines placenta for neonatal conditions
- Keikku, the smart wireless stethoscope
- 2024 in digital health: Revolution has been canceled
- Tumor analysis during surgery with new microscopy technique
- Improve breast cancer screening in dense breast tissue with AI
- Does Forward Health's failure mark the winter of telehealth?
- SoMe? Social Media & Youth health. So, me!
- Solving staff shortages in ORs with autonomous surgical robots?
- Improving MRI for cardiac applications with AI
- Find hidden metastatic prostate cancer with PSMA-PET scan
- Electrical brain stimulation for muscle tissue repair
- Detecting dangerous cardiac arrhythmias with digital twin
- Advances in AI for life sciences to be expected in 2025
- Greater precision in tumor surgery with AI-guided endoscope
- How a Swiss hospital use LLMs to make the best of data
- Viewing a hologram of the unborn child with I-Wall
- 'EHDS brings data availability from a low to a high’
- EU action plan to make healthcare more resilient to cyber threats
- 8 top health & wellness innovations at CES 2025
- NZ Cabinet Reshuffle Prioritizes Health and Digital Innovation in 2025
- Better Healthcare at Lower Costs
- These are the nominees for the ICT&health Awards 2025
- EHDS adopted by European Council
- Mental healthcare programme at ICT&health World Conference
- 7 robots for health and care from CES 2025
- VO2max from a smartwatch. Is it a new longevity biomarker?
- AI Enhancing Personalized Cancer Treatment
- European Platform for Medicine Supply and Demand Goes Live
- Swedish study shows added value of AI in mammography
- Diagnosing heart failure with a smartwatch
- First EU AI Act guidelines: When is health AI prohibited?
- AI misses far fewer diagnoses when analyzing long-term ECGs
- 3D-printed implant supports heart valve repair
- The influence of 25 years of EHR on medical research
- Social chatbots can alleviate loneliness and social anxiety
- 'We need to create a positive culture around innovation'
- Anil Thapliyal, Professor and Executive Director eMHIC: Join hands!
- Tech Resilience in Healthcare: The High Cost of Inaction
- Preparing for the next pandemic with AI
- What happens to the data that doctors enter in ChatGPT?
- Chatbots often give incomplete medical information
- Software detects side effects faster than doctors
- Pokémon Sleep shows relationship between sleep and nutrition
- Quitting smoking with reinforcement learning AI coach
- Driving AI adoption and integration in clinical settings
- Less smartphone use leads to withdrawal symptoms
- Collecting more data in five days thanks to the Philips ePatch
- AI tool can effectively detect lung cancer at an early stage
- Robotic arm helps paraplegic patient eat independently
- New AI platform to reduce administration burden healthcare providers
- Study on effectiveness of robot-assisted hernia surgery
- TU Delft to advise WHO on deployment of AI in healthcare
- AI Action Summit in Paris: What’s at stake for healthcare?
- Dutch hospitals and Brightlands launch Health AI and Data alliance
- Philips brings cloud-based IT solutions to Europe
- EHDS published, comes into effect on March 26
- LLM programming now part of doctors' training LUMC
- Improve diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy with AI
- 'We can nip a pandemic in the bud with smartwatches'
- Valuable insights into rhesus disease thanks to international database
- Quantum computers: How, when, and if medicine will benefit?
- Navigating with AI during lung research
- Emirates improves in-flight digital medical care
- How are AI and ML transforming healthcare software development?
- Europe: the museum of stagnant innovation
- Placement of intracranial drain using augmented reality
- Calculate heart condition with smartwatch and steps
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