Claudia Pagliari
Dr. Pagliari is a senior lecturer and researcher within the Usher Institute, where she leads a research programme on eHealth and directs the MSc in Global eHealth.
With a background in social science and health technology assessment, her research is highly interdisciplinary and covers many areas of eHealth and the digital society. This includes the study and evaluation of emerging innovations (for example: direct-to-consumer genetic testing, therapeutic robots, apps), large-scale health IT programmes (for example: human resource information management systems, administrative data research, e-Government), new forms of data for science (for example: social media and crowdsourcing), technologies for global health system strengthening and ethical and responsible research and innovation.
She collaborates with colleagues from across the university, including Edinburgh Medical School, the Business School and the Schools of Informatics and Health in Social Sciences, as well as a network of international researchers, NGOs and others. She is a member of the Global Health Academy, the Institute for Science, Technology and Innovation, the Social Informatics Cluster, and the Edinburgh Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Group and convenes the interdisciplinary research groups in eHealth and digital disease surveillance.
Claudia holds a first class degree in Psychology from the University of Ulster and a PhD in Psychology from the University of Edinburgh. She was elected Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh in 2010. She is a member of the UK College of Experts in Health Informatics, the British Computer Society, the UK Council for Health Informatics Professionals (level 3), and has held advisory roles with the American Health Information Management Association, the European Commission (scientific expert) and other agencies and is regularly invited as a conference keynote speaker.