Healthcare isn't on the brink of a significant challenge. We're right in the middle of it. More people with chronic conditions. Fewer people to help them. Rising costs. Changing climate. And larger health disparities among people. The challenge is too immense to resolve with our current system.
Healthcare calls for a different approach, a sustainable system. The path to that solution doesn't come easily. It requires courage and room for experimentation. Room to bridge the gap between innovation and daily practice. Professional support in this process increases the likelihood of success.
Radboudumc Health Innovation Labs: from a budding idea to actual practice. And all the steps in between. We serve as a collaborating advisor armed with knowledge, experience, and a fresh perspective. But also with a structured and methodical approach. Without losing sight of the complexity of an innovation challenge.
Our focus: Healthcare Close By. Care in the right place, at the right time. At home when possible; independently or with a bit of (digital) assistance. In the hospital when necessary. Care that is meaningful and purposeful. We believe this vision makes healthcare and our world sustainable. Under the condition that Healthcare Close By reduces healthcare costs and workload. While maintaining people's satisfaction and decreasing our ecological footprint. This way, we make a significant impact on health & healthcare.