VIGO is a leading organization in youth care, forensic care, and mental health care, operating across a large area in the South and Middle regions of the Netherlands.
To achieve the best possible care, treatment, and guidance, the combination of practical experience and scientific knowledge is crucial. Therefore, we continually evolve our experience, knowledge, and range of care. We consider it our mission to share expertise, innovation, and experience in complex care with entities such as community teams, municipalities, the ministry, police, fellow institutions, safety houses, educational institutions, and academic workplaces. Hence, we foster collaboration in scientific research within these domains.
Our driving force is to enhance the quality and coherence of care. Hence, we work diligently on the development of outcome-oriented treatment. We collaborate with universities and research institutions, train professionals for future care, and heavily invest in research and the creation of new, including digital, care concepts. Naturally, we share this knowledge and expertise via the ICT&health platform with partners and colleagues within the network. This way, we continue to lead in outcome-oriented treatment both now and in the future.