As part of the German Hospital Future Act (KHZG), which provided over 4 billion Euros in funding to improve the digital infrastructure of the hospitals, the DigitalRadar consortium was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Health to assess the impact of the financial stimulus. The assignment included the development of a country-specific measurement methodology based on established best practices and aligned with the seven funding dimensions of the government's political goals. Work started in May 2021, and the first round of data collection from 1,624 hospitals was completed in December of the same year – making the DigitalRadar project the largest and fastest digital maturity measurement ever.
Today, the DigitalRadar project is widely recognised as a successful national healthcare transformation initiative. A pioneering project globally, the German government and the DigitalRadar team successfully navigated through the complexities of large-scale change programs and allowed Germany to take a much-needed shortcut toward digital transformation of its healthcare sector.
So how did they do it?
- They established broad multi-stakeholder support to eliminate the risk of political tensions. The DigitalRadar team engaged a multi-stakeholder expert group in the model development. This addressed concerns about the suitability of the developed model and won the support of influential organisations such as the German Hospital Society. The Society, among others, had expressed significant concerns about potentially using US-originated digital maturity models alone, as they believed those do not cover the specifics of Germany's universal health system.
- Winning the trust of all stakeholders raised acceptance and speeded up the roll-out. The DigitalRadar project, which comprised high-profile organisations and individuals, ensured ongoing alignment and transparent communications with all relevant stakeholders. This included webinars, articles, social media, and personal customer support during data collection. As a result, the reasoning behind the model was well understood, accepted, and swiftly adopted. The data collection process through online self-assessments took only three months to complete.
- Sensible investment strengthened in-country research and digital autonomy. Germany's "do it yourself" approach proved to be cost-effective, and the total budget breaks down to approx. 3,000 € per hospital, which includes the cost of model and platform development, 2 assessments, the scientific evaluation of the project, various reports, and a longitudinal study. With the new know-how about digital maturity measurement, Germany raised its digital autonomy and is well positioned to further expand the project, i.e., to conduct regular annual assessments or measure other sectors of the health system. The anonymised data is available for research purposes, and the Federal Ministry of Health owns the IP rights of the new development.
- Incorporating international best practices broadened the scope of the project. DigitalRadar comprised 65% of the HIMSS EMRAM items, which enables basic international benchmarking through an EMRAM indicator score. Although 73% of participating hospitals rated this score as having little to no relevance, it potentially adds an additional layer to the scientific research. Furthermore, it shows German hospitals a path toward international benchmarking if they choose to pursue it in the future.