As Chair at the Digital Health Society (the DHS) – powered by ECHAlliance – could you please explain how the organization can increase the societal trust towards data-driven healthcare? Where does the public fear about the misuse of health data come from, and how to reduce them?
The DHS believes that in order to develop, let alone increase societal trust, we have to explain simply to people what data-driven healthcare means. Therefore, to facilitate the development of digital health and increase societal trust, we hold our Annual Summit. We also use Round Tables of all stakeholders involved in healthcare (e.g., patient groups, healthcare providers & professionals, regulators, researchers and industry) to develop understanding, inform, and inform reach consensus views.
Three critical factors and enablers were identified: transparency (the who, what and why of data use and reuse); citizens should be able to authorize who may use their health data and for what purpose; education and skills training for the public on health, data and digital for all ages from primary school onwards.
Fear is a strong emotion and must not be ignored or belittled. Citizen trust in public bodies, let alone industry varies considerably between Member States (contrast the trust in Finland with the concerns in Germany). This fear is linked to the history of Member of States and their cultures as well as failures by them to secure other types of public data from loss or hacking.
Providing balanced information which explains to citizens the benefits of using health data to treat them and for research into large populations to develop new and better treatments (drugs, devices and outcomes) is essential to building trust and developing an understanding of the societal good of data-driven healthcare.
Patients also need to be reassured that health data is not going to be used to disadvantage them (e.g. insurance, access to treatment or career promotions). Also explaining the security measures to ensure privacy by design and governance measures to ensure ethical use by approved users.
Let me repeat this question regarding healthcare professionals: How to strengthen trust from doctors, nurses, medical workers?
I think healthcare professionals understand the benefits of health data both for patient care and research. Technology has promised to transform healthcare since the invention of the radio! The frustration of clinicians relates to systems that do not talk to each other ( interoperability), the need for multiple logins and data input which – instead of giving them more time with patients – have the opposite effect and consume more of their time than paper records. These problems require better data system design, interoperability standards and the involvement of clinicians.
Can you name the five most essential acceptance criteria for societal trust in the use of health data that can be applied by digital health providers or healthcare facilities that plan to monitor patients’ health remotely?
I think criteria do not vary materially with the particular use of health data. So my five would be:
- Transparency for the use of the data – the 3 W's: Who, what and why
- The benefits for the patient
- Security of the data (by design)
- The ability of the patient to control the use of that data
- The ability of the patient to access and understand that data
- EHRs are not yet universal across Europe
- Siloed health data systems
- Proprietary systems
- Interoperability constraints
- Data quality and access to data
- Alignment of Standards adoption
- Audit processes and traceability of sources of data must be embedded into policies and architectures to ensure transparency.
- Raise the digital literacy & skills of all stakeholders
- Generate and value trustworthy Real-World Evidence
- Accelerate interoperability across Europe and globally
- Demonstrate benefits to society from data access, use and reuse
- Adopt a risk stratification approach
- Build a trustworthy framework for data access and use
- Adopt a transformational approach to health data.