Medication adherence 50 percent
For an optimal treatment outcome patients need to take the prescribed medication on time and in the prescribed dosage during the entire course of a treatment. In the case of chronic ailments this can mean for the rest of their lives. Several studies show however that some 50 percent of patients with a chronic condition don’t take their medicaion according to the prescribed scheme. This can lead to complications and hospital admission.Complex medication schemes often lead to mistakes. Patiens fail to take a dosage, use the wrong dosage or take it at the wrong time. With a connected medication dispenser people are helped with their medication scheme, thereby improving medication adherrence and lowering the cost of healthcare.
Philips examined 881,000 dosages taken taken by 1.379 patients over the course of a year, with an average of three dosages per day. Medido users scored a 96 percent medication adherrence, above the 80 percent norm used by the WHO. 94 percent of Medido users that took more than two dosages per day, adherred to there medication scheme.
Currently the Medido is already available in the Netherlands. Philips will introducé the connected medication dispenser in the rest of Europa and in the US later this year.