Gabrielle Speijer
Gabrielle Speijer is a Radiation Oncologist (Haga Hospital) and the founder of CatalyzIT healthcare.
She has been delegated by her professional association, the Dutch Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology (Nederlandse Vereniging Radiotherapie en Oncologie [NVRO]), as a member of the Science and Innovation Board of the Federation of Medical Specialists, a member of the Innovate project (NVRO) and a member of the Artificial Intelligence (FMS) project.
In June 2019 she presented the fluKs Collaborative Space concept at the HIMSS European Conference (Helsinki). Based on this she was appointed as a Future 50 International HealthIT leader: one of the worldwide pioneers in digital healthcare innovation. FluKs is a flexible virtual conference room where healthcare professionals can share their insights about a mutual patient. She deems technology to be essential for obtaining more insight into patients’ health situation.
Speijer indicates that the electronic health record (EHR) used in daily clinical practice, only contains about 10% of all the information that determines a patient’s health condition. A patient is usually only in a cure setting for a short period of time, while everything that happens outside of this setting also affects the treatment outcome. Insight into psychosocial aspects, lifestyle and other data from health apps and services, as well as combining new knowledge stemming from AI data between various domains, could provide us with more understanding of the health and wellness of our patient. Technology provides insight into a patient’s overall health situation. Not using this technology is unacceptable!